Ten Tiny Tunes Book


Embark on a musical journey with "Ten Tiny Tunes," a charming collection of 10 late elementary level piano pieces designed to captivate young pianists while seamlessly integrating essential teaching concepts. Each composition in this collection is crafted with care, blending melodic appeal with pedagogical value to make the learning experience both enjoyable and educational.


Cute little march. 4/4 even rhythms that are march-like

LH Slurs while RH is legato, Cut time, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths in LH (melodic and harmonic), scale passage at the end.

3/4 time signature, changes briefly to g minor and then returns to G Major.

3/4, accents, student can laugh along with music

Lots of dynamic contrasts to make it spooky, sfz, d minor, accents

3/4, pedal, RH crossing over on each line, minor key

Lots of dissonance and unusual but interesting note combinations, back and forth "conversation" between LH and RH, ends on outermost notes of keyboard.

Accented and syncopated rhythms as suggested by the title. Both RH and LH get a chance at the syncopation.

16th notes, staccato and legato articulation, accents, dynamic contrasts

Quartal and Quintal harmonies.

Ten Tiny Tunes, by Albert Rozin. Played by René Johnson.

Lulu the Monkey (with words)
Little Wolfgang Mozart